Our journey through a pandemic

Our journey through a pandemic

The Covid-19 virus spread in January this year, and in March it spread “in our country” in Europe. We were watching situation in neighboring Italy and later in other neighboring countries. People felt a sense of insecurity about new anti-pandemic measures, we began to realize much more and more acutely that “with us” and “the rest of the world” is one whole. In addition to physical limitations, the virus has evoked deep and conflicting feelings in all of us. On the one hand, we have watched with emotion, and we can still see it, interpersonal and neighborhood assistance, assistance to neighboring countries and assistance with the provision of protective aids and equipment needed to cope with the ever-increasing number of patients, and on the other hand attempts to abuse the situation, fear and escape from this situation at the expense of others.


Accustomed to the normal working regime, we faced a completely new situation in March. Torn from the normal regime, we thought intensively about the visions and goals of our company can respond to the current situation. Deep and intense topics arose, which opened important questions for us: whether and how our company is able to help even in such a new, unknown situation. Whether we are really connected by a vision with the outside world. We watched with emotion the activity of volunteers, the despair of medical facilities in finding out the insufficient condition of protective equipment, and that’s when we realized it. Just do what you need to do.


And people, hospitals and nursing homes, schools and service businesses started calling us. As demand exceeded the possibilities several times, we tuned our 3D printers to print more and in less time.

Our shields reached hospitals, bakeries, schools, care facilities and they could work more safely for all of us. At all times, we have donated protective shields to many people with autoimmune or oncological diseases. We are happy to have the opportunity to contribute our drop to the ocean of mutual help.

Today, as I write this article, we are in the second wave of a pandemic, which has also brought on various conflicting feelings. From the fear of re-adopting restrictive measures, the denial of the virus and the seriousness of the whole situation, to the crippling fear of possible further developments.

We all experience a number of feelings that are not easy to process, but not succumb to them, but to find a new and better way through this situation than we can contribute to the common good.

However, the situation with Covid -19 helps us individuals and us as business companies in one thing : to realize who we are here for and what we mean to each other.